
This blog is to document my seemingly impossible, somewhat daunting, yet extremely exciting, journey to completing my first marathon. I invite you to keep track of my progress and cheer me on: I know I'll need your support!

Speaking of support... I am not taking on this adventure just for bragging rights or just to look better during beach season. I have pledged to raise money for St. Jude's Children Research Hospital. After some reading, I'm very excited to join their cause: they will not turn down cancer treatments for children of families who cannot afford it. I'm thrilled my fundraising efforts will go towards helping a child receive the proper care, to give them a fighting chance against a disease that has unfortunately, almost certainly, touched at least one person we know and care about.

Please visit my fundraising page to support in any way you can and keep on visiting my blog to nudge me off my couch and get on the trail! www.mystjudeheroes.org/funnytoes

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Medium Salsa, Not Medium Singlet

So it's been a while since I've posted to my blog... and if anyone out there is keeping track, and disappointed, my apologies!  

My "pre-training", as I'm labeling it, is going slowly... but as I realized that April 30th will be my 6-month mark from the race, I've been working to get more serious.  (I will also soon be getting more serious about fundraising, so watch out, ya'll!)

But alas, what has inspired me to jump start my (thus far pretty lame) blog?! Well, I got mail this week from St. Jude's... and as anyone who LOVES receiving any sort of R E A L mail, I was so excited to rip it open, just like a kid on Xmas.  

It was my race singlet... which was a Medium... the size I selected... and as the title of this post give away, the heat-scale I usually prefer for my salsa, and the size I usually prefer for my shirts... I was very excited, so I tried it on, and regretfully realized, holy cow, I am not a medium in the race singlet world of clothing design... but I guess with all my pre-training, followed by my real training, I will possibly fit in my medium sausage-casing-like race singlet for race day! 

So, that's all; summary: pre-training is going slowly but surly, I'm almost 6 months from race day, and most importantly the shameful fit of my race singlet is my motivation for at least a few more weeks.... That's all the news that's fit to print!

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