
This blog is to document my seemingly impossible, somewhat daunting, yet extremely exciting, journey to completing my first marathon. I invite you to keep track of my progress and cheer me on: I know I'll need your support!

Speaking of support... I am not taking on this adventure just for bragging rights or just to look better during beach season. I have pledged to raise money for St. Jude's Children Research Hospital. After some reading, I'm very excited to join their cause: they will not turn down cancer treatments for children of families who cannot afford it. I'm thrilled my fundraising efforts will go towards helping a child receive the proper care, to give them a fighting chance against a disease that has unfortunately, almost certainly, touched at least one person we know and care about.

Please visit my fundraising page to support in any way you can and keep on visiting my blog to nudge me off my couch and get on the trail! www.mystjudeheroes.org/funnytoes

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pursuit of...

I believe the common phrase is "pursuit of happiness"... but I don't believe that I'm running this marathon to find happiness (although I'm sure I'll be a smidge of happy crossing the finish line).  So what am I in pursuit of?  

I think that by pushing myself beyond limits that I can't even fully understand yet, I'll become a better person. 

I know that seems cliche, but I was so afraid of failing at this goal.  When I first thought about committing to this, I was scared to say it aloud to anyone, because I didn't want anyone to know I failed before I even began my journey- I especially didn't want to fail myself (again, before I even began, this was going through my mind!)  And then I thought- wow, this is so unbelievably sad... depressing even. 

To rewind a bit, My mom even jokes that even as a kid I'd kind of sit back, just do what's necessary, you know- coast along... I guess I had the original idea for cruise control, just not for putting it in cars.  I remember being content with Cs and Bs in school, and my parents would be so confused- why wouldn't she try for an A, she's so capable. I guess I never cared too much while I was in school... I did ballet as a very young kid, and by the recital tapes, it was clear I wasn't striving to be the best in show... Even playing sports all my life, I was more worried about playing and having fun than winning.  

I mean, sometimes staying on cruise control is worth it- if you're always trying super hard to be the best or most successful, you rarely have time to pause and enjoy life, right?  Not to mention you're so disappointed if you don't meet your pie in the sky expectations.  I'm the kind of person who's more worried about enjoying the pie- and I'll settle for the pie in the fridge if I don't feel like reaching for the sky.  Anyway, although I'm still happy to apply this mantra to some facets of my life I've realized that without Big Huge Risks, I will never reap Big Huge Rewards.

And running a marathon is the Biggest Huge-est Reward I can think of.  And obviously I have a lot of fear to conquer while working toward such a big huge risk, but it will make my big huge reward taste that much sweeter.

Just like I can't fully imagine and understand the limits I'll push myself beyond, I can't really fully imagine or understand the rewards that will be earned throughout my journey... but I believe it will make me a better person.  And if it doesn't, well then I'll never feel bad about how much time I spend on my couch again!

So I guess I'm in Pursuit of Betterness (or guilt-free couch lounging, whichever prevails)!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's awesome that you are running a marathon! I've run a half and 2 10 milers (running my 3rd ten miler in 2 weeks) but 26 miles? Woah. I've run 13, and still - 26 seems out of control. Good luck! :)
    - Katrina Culley
