
This blog is to document my seemingly impossible, somewhat daunting, yet extremely exciting, journey to completing my first marathon. I invite you to keep track of my progress and cheer me on: I know I'll need your support!

Speaking of support... I am not taking on this adventure just for bragging rights or just to look better during beach season. I have pledged to raise money for St. Jude's Children Research Hospital. After some reading, I'm very excited to join their cause: they will not turn down cancer treatments for children of families who cannot afford it. I'm thrilled my fundraising efforts will go towards helping a child receive the proper care, to give them a fighting chance against a disease that has unfortunately, almost certainly, touched at least one person we know and care about.

Please visit my fundraising page to support in any way you can and keep on visiting my blog to nudge me off my couch and get on the trail! www.mystjudeheroes.org/funnytoes

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Death by Chafing

I have been so consumed with the fact I've actually been able to complete my last couple of long runs that I've only touched on my excitement and appreciation on my success of my 14 and 16 miles runs.

Alas, there has been an issue I have been glossing over... holy chafing!!!!

I assume chafing is the number one reason humans aren't meant to run marathon distances.  But apparently the super human marathoners have long been  ignoring the fact that subjecting body parts to repetitive movements for extreme durations, creating, I estimate, enough friction to start a fire if arms and legs were made of kindle and wood, will cause gut wrenching chafing.

Now, I remember from Dawn Davis's witty marathon training book (The Nonrunner's Marathon Guide for Women) she warned me of chafing to come.  But like many experiences you read about, or hear a friend talk about, or watch a television show describing, I had NO idea what it was all about until I lived it.

After my 14 miles I felt AWESOME!  I was on 2nd street in Ocean City, MD (after running to 127th St. and back), and I was literally cheering ("whooo!") for myself on the street as passer-bys moved aside telling their children not to make eye contact, I imagine.  I was on cloud 9, for sure.  Cloud 9 disintegrated once I got into the shower, and I fell fast and furious to the depths of a hellish sting as the water hit my butt.  OMG!  Chafe!  On my butt??!  How does that even happen... right where my leg meets my cheeks; it was most unfortunate.  Oh but wait- there was more- the insides of my arms- looked and felt like I had taken a cheese grater to them.  This was it: my first god-forsaken experience chafing.  Unfortunately I knew it wouldn't be my last.

So then this is where I'm at with this part of the whole journey: as a twenty-seven year old I've invested in more medicated burn ointment than I have in my former years combined.  But much like some of my other marathon training experiences so far, I'm learning what doesn't kill me makes me stronger.  And for that I'll stay positive and keep on keepin' on!

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