
This blog is to document my seemingly impossible, somewhat daunting, yet extremely exciting, journey to completing my first marathon. I invite you to keep track of my progress and cheer me on: I know I'll need your support!

Speaking of support... I am not taking on this adventure just for bragging rights or just to look better during beach season. I have pledged to raise money for St. Jude's Children Research Hospital. After some reading, I'm very excited to join their cause: they will not turn down cancer treatments for children of families who cannot afford it. I'm thrilled my fundraising efforts will go towards helping a child receive the proper care, to give them a fighting chance against a disease that has unfortunately, almost certainly, touched at least one person we know and care about.

Please visit my fundraising page to support in any way you can and keep on visiting my blog to nudge me off my couch and get on the trail! www.mystjudeheroes.org/funnytoes

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Spectator Signs... post Chicago Marathon...

After hearing about the woman who finished her Chicago marathon and shortly after gave birth I had a few initial reactions... first and foremost... "OMG, WTF?!"

I have not yet run a marathon and also have not given birth.  I am not a doctor either.  But I do not condone marathoning as a past-time for 39-week pregnant women.  If not for the questionable health effects on mommy or baby, because it's making the rest of us look bad.

But one insane woman decided to change the world forever, and she successfully completed a marathon while giving birth a few hours later resulting in the possibility of new spectator signs, which I may have to deal with... damnit.

"Complain to me when you're pregnant and try this"

"There's no crying in running... unless it's your newborn"

"Is that a bun in your oven or are you just happy to be running?"

"Mommies in Labor Do It Better"

"Pain Push Now.  Pride Mommy Forever."

"Your feet hurt because you've kicked so much butt been pregnant for 39 weeks!"

"Free Massages and Deliveries Here"

"Either your Ovaries are Sweating or Your Water Just Broke"

"The Pregnant Lady looked better in Spandex"

"Next Food Station Serving Pickles and Ice Cream!"

"Beat Oprah.  And the Pregnant Lady."

"HOV Lane Only"

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