
This blog is to document my seemingly impossible, somewhat daunting, yet extremely exciting, journey to completing my first marathon. I invite you to keep track of my progress and cheer me on: I know I'll need your support!

Speaking of support... I am not taking on this adventure just for bragging rights or just to look better during beach season. I have pledged to raise money for St. Jude's Children Research Hospital. After some reading, I'm very excited to join their cause: they will not turn down cancer treatments for children of families who cannot afford it. I'm thrilled my fundraising efforts will go towards helping a child receive the proper care, to give them a fighting chance against a disease that has unfortunately, almost certainly, touched at least one person we know and care about.

Please visit my fundraising page to support in any way you can and keep on visiting my blog to nudge me off my couch and get on the trail! www.mystjudeheroes.org/funnytoes

Thursday, July 7, 2011

6k aka 3.75 miles

Had a "fun" 6k in my running schedule tonight... it was an out and back course with some lovely Carroll County rolling hills (uuuhhh duh!) and me and some of our pace group made it out at around 20 minutes- picked up the pace and I made it back in somewhere just under 18 minutes- booyah!

This probably doesn't sound as impressive as it felt- because I'll tell ya what- as we turned the cone on our way back, we were definitely trying to pick up the pace, but we knew the same hills were going to be a challenge on the way back, so we also were trying to make sure we'd have enough gas.  So, we were being a little conservative in how much faster we were headed back.  Once we passed the marker that let us know we had only 1 mile to go, I pretty much just decided to beat feet.  And luckily I had enough left in me to do just that :)

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