Me and a handful of runners were standing at a water station (7 miles into our run, woohoo, we're awesome!!!) and observe a pack of cyclists headed our way- so we start cheering them on, some say some nice things to us as they past... it was just a polite little cheer fest going on...
Until, one of the cyclists asks as he approaches us, "what race are you doing?" We call out that we were just running for FUN! As he passes, he turns back and says, "Really? When did running become fun?"
7 miles into my run, I did not find humor in that.
NOW. I will be the first one to admit, my idea of fun does NOT include running, especially for 99 consecutive minutes like this morning, HOWEVER.... he could have just given us a good old polite thumbs up, or "Good Job" and went on his merry way.
The last time I checked dressing up in a bright ass colored adult sized baby one-sy with a bike seat up your crotch isn't that much fun either.
Moral of my bitch and gripe: Let's all be supportive to each other no matter what insanely miserable endurance activity we're participating in- give a good ol' fist pump and just keep on trucking, and make yourself think you're having fun, without worrying about someone reminding you that in fact, you're not.
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